Venus rules love and relationships. Your Venus sign determines how you give and feel love in both romances and friendships. It also influences what you find beautiful. If Scorpio is your Venus sign, that means Venus was traveling through Scorpio when you were born.
If you are unsure of what your Venus sign is, calculate your birth chart to determine it.
Scorpio Venus natives are intense. They will either be all or nothing in love. If this sign like you, they will be completely committed to and focused on you, and they may seem fearless in love. They want intimacy and will love people quite deeply. This sign is possessive, though they will make their partner want to be possessed.
Venus in Scorpio can give undivided attention to their partner. Some people may love this, though some may hate it. This sign doesn’t like to admit it, but Scorpio Venus wants to control their relationship. This obsession may take the fun out of their partnerships. Their relationships are to the extreme, which can be overwhelming or extremely attractive. Though this sign will want to know everything about you, they will be less willing to give up information about themselves.
If a Scorpio Venus is upset, they may burst with anger or instill fear in you. Although they won’t admit it, they can get very jealous of anyone that their partners spend time with. They won’t hesitate to manipulate situations and have skill in seeing the truth in situations. They may enjoy occasional turmoil in their relationships because it spices things up.
A Scorpio Venus craves someone who will commit fully to them. Some of them may take subtle advantage of their partners. They like to keep their own secrets. Their feelings may prevent them from putting things into perspective. This sign is likely to be suspicious if they feel insecure.
Scorpio Venus people come off as colorful people because they are intense. They love mysteries and are great at doing detective work on others. These individuals may be able to use their sex appeal to get the things they want. A Venus in Scorpio person may be cautious when meeting others; they like to observe the people they’re interested in before meeting them
In friendships, this sign can understand their friends easily. Though it may seem like they don’t pay attention all the time, they certainly notice small details about you and can keep your secrets.
Scorpio Venus natives aren’t shy of intensity, commitment, or feelings. They like a surrender in their relationships. If you play games with them, though, it will be hard for them to forgive you. This sign is amazing when you’re on their good side, but terrible if they’ve been hurt by you. Venus in Scorpio people enjoy change and will prosper in transformation. The things they put their passion into will mean the world to them.