Venus rules love and relationships. Your Venus sign determines how you give and feel love in both romances and friendships. It also influences what you find beautiful. If Sagittarius is your Venus sign, that means Venus was traveling through Sagittarius when you were born.
If you are unsure of what your Venus sign is, calculate your birth chart to determine it.
As Sagittarius loves to learn new things, Sagittarius Venus people want to spend time with people that will help them learn and try new things. As an idealistic sign, they crave a person that will appreciate everything they do and believe in. Being both serious and light-hearted, Venus in Sagittarius natives can be a bit confusing to others. They don’t commit too quickly since they like to be free.
Sagittarius Venus individuals constantly have a good time. They are flirtatious and friendly, always amusing to others. Though they take pride in being open-minded, they may be judgmental at times. They dislike emotional scenes, monotonous routines, and inhibitions. This sign is restless and will be turned off by people who dwell on the same things all the time. If the relationship gets hard, this sign may leave the partnership quickly. Though they may just need a break, they could leave forever. They love people who live life to its potential and they don’t care whether they are polished or well-mannered.
Venus in Sagittarius people need freedom and space in order to be content. If they’re upset, make sure you take them seriously. If they are laughing, laugh with them. Don’t be afraid to debate with them, but respect what they believe in. Sometimes, they may let others down, but not intentionally. They just dream too big sometimes and may not follow through. New ideas may make them forget the old. They appreciate art, philosophy, and religion. This sign is fun and social to be around. They want travel and excitement.
As friends, Sagittarius Venus natives are the type of people to know everyone. They can be quite blunt at times. Wherever they go, they will make friends and probably have a big network of connections. They don’t require too much emotional attachment in their relationships.
Venus in Sagittarius people crave individuals that give them new adventures and freedom. They like people from other cultures because they think differences are very interesting. It may be hard to get them to commit to long-term tasks. They may go out of their way to avoid feeling confined. This sign may put people on a pedestal, and when that person doesn’t live up to it, it may be devastating to Sagittarius Venus.