Venus rules love and relationships. Your Venus sign determines how you give and feel love in both romances and friendships. It also influences what you find beautiful. If Libra is your Venus sign, that means Venus was traveling through Libra when you were born.
If you are unsure of what your Venus sign is, calculate your birth chart to determine it.
Libra Venus people want to impress the people they’re interested in. They will use fairness and kindness to make their relationships work. They have good manners, though this can make others think they are superficial. These people are gentle and may be offended easily. Abrasive personalities and bad manners are unsettling to this sign. A Libra Venus wants to treat others with fairness and will choose the middle ground to make all parties comfortable. It is common for this sign to change parts of their lives to accommodate the needs of others.
Libra Venus natives are idealistic, so they may mold their relationships into something bigger than life. If this sign feels like they’re being taken advantage of, they probably won’t confront the person and will instead let it build in the corner, growing more upset over time.
Venus in Libra people are turned off by rude or tactless people. If their relationship is unbalanced, they will be very discontent. They will attempt to restore harmony without you noticing. Libra Venus individuals will always think about how you feel about things and treat you how you want to be treated.
Libra Venus people are most content when they’re dating someone. They are impressionable to people around them and may change who they are to be what someone else wants them to be. This sign may lose their sense of self if they focus too much on their partner’s views. They may be clingy and keep track of little details. Though alluring and caring, they may compromise too much of themselves.
Libra Venus natives are polite, sociable, friendly, and attractive to others. They constantly search for partnerships and crave intellectual stimulation. They may fall for people quickly, which may result in them being in partnerships with the wrong people. This sign may get worn out if they put too much effort into pleasing others and making them comfortable.
Venus in Libra individuals are social friends. They give good advice and may typically surround themselves with people that make them look good. They know how to make others feel comfortable and possess good style.
Libra Venus people may excel in business, sales, writing, acting, or public speeches. They have adept social skills that prove useful in anything they do.
If you like a Libra Venus, show good manners, dress well, and be well-spoken. They will appreciate it if you show fairness to the people you encounter. A Libra Venus will be attracted to a balanced relationship with good treatment.