Venus rules love and relationships. Your Venus sign determines how you give and feel love in both romances and friendships. It also influences what you find beautiful. If Cancer is your Venus sign, that means Venus was traveling through Cancer when you were born.
If you are unsure of what your Venus sign is, calculate your birth chart to determine it.
Cancer Venus natives crave a committed and predictable relationship. They need stability, love, and comfort, as they can be sensitive people. They show love by taking care of the people around them. They pay more attention to their partner’s emotions rather than their words. This sign may be a little moody, which can result in pouting or the silent treatment for attention. They don’t like a bunch of rationalization or impersonal treatment. They fear that they will be left and emotional confrontations are not hard for them. This sign has a very good memory, so it is not uncommon for them to remember things that have hurt them. At times, they will retreat into their shell, and it may be hard to get them to come out again.
Cancer Venus natives love sentimental gestures and cuddling. They are quite attached to family and their homes. Rejection is a big fear of theirs and they may play some mind games to figure out if you truly love them. They really just need to feel stable and cared for. When they feel that they have this, they will be loving, patient, and dependable. They expect sincerity from their partners and will amaze them with their ability to remember small details about them.
This sign can easily read the emotions and character of their partners and friends. Because of this, they will care for you accordingly. Depending on the person, this may be either comforting or intimidating. Though Cancer Venus may not be aware of their charm, they are quite attractive. These people are attracted to individuals who need them.
This sign is pretty sensitive and will react emotionally to most circumstances. They hide their vulnerabilities behind their dignities, but they are hurt very easily. Cancer Venus natives are great listeners. They are careful in love because they want to protect themselves.
This sign is creative and may show this through relationships or the arts. They like to use this creativity to nurture their loved ones.
Venus in Cancer people have big hearts, which can be very attractive to others. They omit warmth and wisdom, luring others in with it. When they trust someone, they are quite affectionate.
If you like a Cancer Venus, it is important to take your time. Being super direct is not usually the best option. They may seem aloof, but they are actually just observing all that you do. They appreciate it when people put effort into thoughtful things for them. They don’t like being around people that have a lot of issues.