Venus rules love and relationships. Your Venus sign determines how you give and feel love in both romances and friendships. It also influences what you find beautiful. If Aquarius is your Venus sign, that means Venus was traveling through Aquarius when you were born.
If you are unsure of what your Venus sign is, calculate your birth chart to determine it.
Aquarius Venus natives have open minds and look towards the future. They like to be viewed as unique and rebellious. They don’t necessarily follow mainstream relationships; they like to be unconventional in partnerships instead. This sign is friendly to everyone, but not everyone wants personal attention from Aquarius Venus. They are pretty well-liked and have a sparkling disposition.
This sign doesn’t like restrictions; they may seem aloof to others. They may be a little detached when it comes to relationships. Aquarius Venus wants their partner to love them for their visions and their intellect. They like to date people that they can also be close friends with. This sign hates dramatic displays of anger or intense emotions in public. They will enjoy shocking you with their unusual quirks and progressive thinking. They will date a wide array of people, going past the realm of social convention.
Aquarius Venus want others to tell them how interesting they are. Though they can get crushes quite easily, real love is a bit harder for this sign. Once they commit to a person, however, they will stick to it. Freedom is important to this sign, so they may feel uncomfortable in a clingy or high maintenance relationship. They feel best when they have some space here and there. They get along well with people that are unusual like them and don’t judge their unusual views on life.
In friendships, this sign may be in many different groups. Emotionally, however, this sign may feel lonely, and isolate themselves in busy locations. Aquarius Venus natives may be influential on people that need balance. People born with this sign treat everyone with the same amount of respect.
Aquarius Venus people are ahead of others creatively. Though others don’t understand it in the moment, by the time they do get it, this sign will have moved on to other creative pursuits.
People born under this sign are noticed by others because they are offbeat. They champion underdogs and many people respect them due to this. This sign isn’t very critical and won’t hold long grudges. They are spontaneous and rarely boring.
If you like an Aquarius Venus, you must be able to match them intellectually. Be sure to give them freedom, but also make sure you can be almost a best friend to them. Marriage may not be the first thing on this sign’s mind until they have explored many people.
Venus in Aquarius people love intellectual stimulation; they are curious individuals. They don’t like to stay stagnant and have a unique talent in viewing situations with different perspectives. Though some may view them as calming people, they don’t mind causing a bit of controversy just to add a little spice in their lives.