Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus represents change. It is associated with technology, innovation, and discovery, guiding us to bring progressive change in all parts of our lives. Uranus moves very slowly, so an entire generation can share the same Uranus sign. This planet breaks tradition and brings us into future.

If you are unsure of what your Uranus sign is, calculate your birth chart to determine it.

Capricorn Uranus is enterprising and ambitious. They may be very responsible and serious. Their unique business ideas will bring them success, especially in the aerial and electrical fields. They may be eccentric, erratic, stubborn, or quarrelsome. This sign might endure deep sorrow and trouble if they are not careful. They are inclined to frequent changes in their surroundings and employment.

Uranus in Capricorn natives may be impulsive or restless. This sign may act before thinking. They are skilled in balancing intellect, ambition, and independence. They are are not scared of challenges and possess tolerance of differences in people. They are even-tempered and have no trouble treating everyone equally.

Capricorn Uranus can handle power easily. They are good to have in a job that needs trust from the public. This sign is skilled in seeing trends long in advance. They won’t hesitate to change methods in order to get what they want. They have a logical, great mind. This sign usually makes great business leaders or politicians. They are capable of accomplishing great things for society as well as material progress.

Uranus in Capricorn individuals come off as very reactionary or conservative. They traditionally accept policies that keep society stable and safe. They want things to be structured carefully and conservatively, though they are not completely opposed to changes in tradition.

List of Uranus signs

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