Neptune in Libra

Neptune represents change. It is associated with technology, innovation, and discovery, guiding us to bring progressive change in all parts of our lives. Neptune moves very slowly, so an entire generation can share the same Neptune sign. This planet breaks tradition and brings us into future.

If you are unsure of what your Neptune sign is, calculate your birth chart to determine it.

Libra is all about balance, so Libra Neptune searches for problems that need solving. They possess the ability to listen to all sides of an argument and mediate a solution.

Neptune in Libra natives aim to eliminate confusion and create a solution that appeals to everyone. They are excellent mediators in any situation because they are so concerned with compromise. This sign is a great listener and they keep an open mind in almost everything they are presented with.

Libra Neptune needs to decide what they truly want in life before trying to determine how to achieve happiness. Though helping others if fulfilling for them, it isn’t always completely satisfying. They must find what fulfills their own personal needs and wants before the can feel truly enlightened.

This will most likely be the hardest decision a Libra Neptune will ever have to make in their lives, but it is crucial in order for them to find happiness. They should turn their talent for justice inward to figure out what will balance the discord between their head and heart.

This sign might have to give up something, like the time they spend on the issues of others, to gain something positive. The frequently have difficulties seeing what their sacrifice can offer. But if they are patient, they will eternally reap the benefits.

List of Neptune signs

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